Friday, November 12, 2010

The Woodshed

Have you ever heard the expression, "Go Woodshed this piece of music"?

wood·shed (wo̵od′s̸hed′)
noun, a shed for storing firewood. To lock oneself away with a musical instrument and practice, either a particular piece or in general, until the player has improved greatly or can perfectly play the piece he has been practicing.

To practice a musical instrument. The woodshed is where you go to sharpen your axe.

Woodsheddin; is a popular term with musicians. Some people think that people in the house got tired of hearing the musical practice, so the practicer was sent to the woodshed which was a ways from the house so they didn't have to be heard by everyone else. Other people think the woodshed was a place of punishment, where one was taken for a lickin'.

We need to do a little more woodsheddin'! We have many "almosters". We need to practice with focus until we have greatly improved our ability. Work it out! Polish it up! Go to the woodshed and work until it is perfected!